Abortion Side-Effects: Side-effects of the Abortion Pill
Abortion side-effects.
The discussion of reproductive health care must be grounded on accuracy. If you are thinking about getting a medical abortion, knowing the potential side effects will help ease your worries and make it easier for you to go through the process with confidence. Let us look into what to expect when taking abortion pills to know what is normal and when we should seek medical attention.
What You Should Expect During A Medical Abortion
Medical abortion is a very personal decision that should be made wisely. Typically, two types of medication are taken during medical abortions: mifepristone and misoprostol. These medications work together to end an early pregnancy before 11 weeks.
Commonly experienced symptoms after taking the course of the abortion pill that indicate they have worked include:
This involves shedding blood from the vagina, which may be heavier than that experienced in regular periods.
The pain felt in your abdomen can resemble menstrual cramps.
Passing Blood Clots
Passing clots of tissue is common and signifies the expulsion of the gestational sac.
Understanding Abortion Side-effects
In addition to these three main symptoms indicating a successful medical termination, there may be other side effects. One must know how to differentiate between expected side effects and possible complications. Here are some things you might experience:
After taking the abortion pills, it is pretty standard for people to develop feelings of nausea or even vomiting; chances are if you had this reaction within 10 minutes, then it will not interfere with the procedure.
This means that someone has diarrhea, which is also considered normal!
It’s normal for a person who has gone through such termination to feel tired, but this, too, should go away after some days.
Low-Grade Fever
In most cases, body temperature slightly increases below 100.4°F.
Chills and Hot Flashes
Body temperature may change, but it is expected to disappear after a while.
Managing Discomfort
Most side effects of medical abortion will dissipate on their own, but there are ways to ease discomfort.
You can take OTC pain relievers like 800mg Ibuprofen to relieve headaches or dizziness.
Post-Abortion Care
After undergoing a medical abortion, one should ensure they are physically and emotionally well. Here are important things to observe after aborting a pregnancy:
Use Pads
Avoid tampons to reduce the chances of getting infected for two weeks.
Avoid Certain Activities
For at least two weeks, refrain from sexual intercourse, swimming, and vigorous exercise, as well as using certain herbal teas and supplements, as well as aspirin.
Follow-Up Care
Although not required, it’s advisable to have follow-up visits to know if your recovery process is proceeding normally.
The Importance of a Sonogram
A sonogram must be conducted before taking medical abortion pills; this is aimed at establishing the age of the pregnancy and ruling out any complications such as ectopic pregnancies. This makes sure that abortion pills are effective and safe. This applies to out-of-town patients only. If you are coming from El Paso or New Mexico (less than 2 hours away), no sonogram before your appointment is required!
A huge decision is choosing a medical abortion, which requires careful consideration and access to correct information. After all, when you know what might happen after an abortion and how you should take care of yourself after it, it will give you confidence in the whole process, thus making your reproductive health a priority. Remember that help exists; each stage should be accompanied by sympathetic treatment as expected.